Things to consider when arranging a funeral
November 2, 2022
Choosing the right funeral celebrant
November 8, 2022Why pre pay for your funeral?
There are benefits to taking out a prepaid funeral plan. The main one being that you will secure the costs at todays prices and guaranteeing that they’ll be covered when the time comes.
When choosing one of our prepaid funeral plans you will get peace of mind that your funeral costs and arrangements have been taken care of. We will sit down with you and carefully go through your wishes to ensure you have the funeral that fits the life you have lived.
Adams & Young Funeral Directors are proudly working in partnership with Open Prepaid Funeral Plans. We offer bespoke plans which can be personalised to suit your individual needs and requirements. You have the option to tailor the plan to be as simple or as detailed as you wish.
For more detailed information please do take a look at the Open website: www.openprepaidfunerals.co.uk